    API-Enabled Identity Verification Platform & Its Necessity...
    29 Mar 2023

    API-Enabled Identity Verification Platform & Its Necessity

    Identity Verification Platform

    The Process of Identity Verification

    Historically, the identity verification process has been a manual, tedious, and slow process. Also, the massive opportunity cost involved in terms of resources has been a big disadvantage in the manual process. But since the great penetration of the internet and advancement in technologies, the process of identity verification platform hardly takes time, and through automated systems, the process has been made simpler than ever before. With Time being the Ultimate Money in today’s fast-paced world, one simply can’t imagine the tedious and time-taking processes. Be it a person or any organization, everybody’s preference is a quick and reliable solution to their problem.   

    In today’s digital world, businesses are increasingly adopting technology to streamline and make their processes efficient. Technology has helped with time and cost saving, and simultaneously helped save human resources from repetitive tasks and made the process error-free. The Identity Verification segment is subject to large-scale secured verification as per the defined norms/regulations and detection-prevention of fraud. But how to achieve the intended result that is reliable?

    The Solution To The Problem

    The solution is – Identity Verification Application Programming Interface (API). Through API-enabled Identity Verification Software, various organizations can seamlessly automate the process of collection, processing, and verification of user identity information. This will greatly help users to onboard a particular platform or to avail services quickly, just with a click or swipe.

    The organizations may want to provide a great experience for users in terms of identity verification for onboarding, but due to the complexities with respect to compliance-related considerations, they aren’t much interested. Also, with some critical sectors like payment processors, financial institutions, and online marketplaces, which are heavily regulated, the identity verification process establishment becomes a tedious process. In this case, organizations turn to third-party identity verification platforms or software. The Identity Verification providers as per the needed specifications can develop a system for organizations.

    Identity Verification Solutions Requirements Of The Organization

    To start with organizations while going for Identity Verification Providers have two basic queries-

    • How quickly, easily, and accurately the verification process can be completed so that the users can be onboarded?
    • How quickly, easily, and accurately the compliance-necessary due diligence process can be completed satisfactorily?

    But depending on the sector and the service/product offered, there may be different types of requirements, and accordingly the verification process i.e. the “asks” may increase and which can be really irritating for users and they will surely lose patience. In this important case, is it possible to collect and verify data from multiple sources, so as to make the process simpler and lean? Yes, it is possible.

    The answer is again API.

    4 Major Reasons Why Businesses Should Prefer API-Enabled Identity Verification Platforms

    Let us see the 4 major reasons why businesses should opt for API-enabled Identity Verification Platforms.

    Improved Data Security – Where in today’s world, data is the new oil and any kind of breach or leak can have an adverse impact, so with an emphasis on data security, API-enabled platforms offering secured services to its clients should be prioritized.

    Simple, Quick, and Efficient Verification – To verify the identity and to ensure the person and the identity details provided are similar, the fintech API platform has a multi-layer verification system that serves the purpose, but it isn’t time-taking and complicated – it is quick and easy.

    Suited For Every Type of Business – API-based solutions efficiently cater to the needs of every business.

    Greater Customer Satisfaction – With all the Identity Verification needs taken care of through a tech-enabled single platform, the customer satisfaction factor will always be high.

    Rpacpc – The Trusted Identity Verification Partner

    All said and done, but which is the best API-based Identity Verification Platform? The answer here is RPACPC. RPACPC is a trusted identity verification platform that offers simple, reliable, real-time, and risk-free onboarding for users. As required by organizations across various sectors. RPACPC with its’ in-house developed API solutions provides super-fast and cost-effective results. Taking into consideration the authenticity and legitimacy factors seriously in the verification process.

    Whether it is the government-mandated PAN-Aadhaar Link, GST Compliance Check, or PAN Status. Or the 206AB Compliance Check; RPACPC has the perfect one-stop online API-based verification solutions for the needs of the organization.

    The RPACPC API solutions apart from their utmost reliability and efficiency factors offer-

    1. Bulk uploading and verification are accurate and quick.
    2. Easy integration with all programming languages and platforms.
    3. API services through an easy-to-use onscreen utilization feature.
    4. 24×7 uptime with low latency.

    So, your search for the ideal Identity Verification partner stops with RPACPC’s API-based solutions. Get the needed Identity Verification done effectively – Anytime and every time!

    Ready to get started?

    Facing difficulties in checking TAX Compliance? Verify the authenticity of your customers and grow your business by saving time.
