    Compliance Check 206AB: The Ultimate Taxpayer’s Guide...
    31 Oct 2023

    Compliance Check 206AB: The Ultimate Taxpayer’s Guide

    Compliance Check 206AB

    In today’s fast-paced and ever-evolving world, understanding tax regulations is vital for every taxpayer. The Indian government, in its pursuit of ensuring tax compliance and preventing tax evasion, introduced Section 206AB. This new section, which came into effect in the Financial Year 2021-22, has significant implications for taxpayers. In this comprehensive guide, we will delve deep into Compliance Check 206AB and provide you with all the information you need to navigate this tax provision successfully.

    1. What is Section 206AB?

    Section 206AB is a new addition to the Income Tax Act, of 1961, introduced in the Union Budget 2021. Its primary purpose is to ensure that taxpayers with significant outstanding tax liabilities are subject to higher tax deductions or tax collection at source (TDS/TCS). This section is designed to strengthen the government’s ability to collect taxes and prevent tax evasion.

    2. Applicability of Section 206AB

    Section 206AB applies to various taxpayers, including:

    Resident Individuals: This includes both salaried and non-salaried individuals.

    Hindu Undivided Families (HUFs): A Hindu Undivided Family, as a separate taxable entity, is also subject to Section 206AB.

    Partnership Firms: Partnership firms, irrespective of their nature of business, fall under the purview of this section.

    Companies: All registered companies, be they public or private, are covered by Section 206AB.

    3. Criteria for Higher TDS/TCS Rates

    To determine if you fall under the purview of Section 206AB, you should meet the following criteria:

    Outstanding Tax Liability: If you have an outstanding tax liability of ₹50,000 or more for the last two assessment years and haven’t filed an ITR, Section 206AB will apply to you.

    TDS/TCS Deductions: In cases where TDS/TCS has been deducted at a rate of 5% or more on interest, dividend, or other income, Section 206AB will be invoked.

    4. Higher Deduction Rates under Section 206AB

    Taxpayers falling under the ambit of Section 206AB will face higher deduction rates for TDS/TCS. These rates are:

    Double the Applicable Rate: In case the specified rate of TDS/TCS is 5% or more, Section 206AB mandates that the deduction rate is doubled, resulting in a substantial reduction in your income.

    5. Exemptions from Section 206AB

    It’s important to note that not all taxpayers are affected by Section 206AB. The following individuals and entities are exempt from these higher deduction rates:

    Non-resident taxpayers: Those who are not residents of India and have provided a valid PAN are exempt.

    Specified Senior Citizens: Individuals above the age of 75 are exempt from the provisions of Section 206AB.

    6. Impact on Taxpayers

    The introduction of Section 206AB has stirred up a fair bit of concern among taxpayers. The higher deduction rates can significantly reduce the income available for taxpayers, causing cash flow issues and potentially leading to disputes with the tax authorities.

    7. How to Avoid Higher TDS/TCS

    If you fall under the purview of Section 206AB and wish to avoid the higher deduction rates, there are a few steps you can take:

    File Your ITR Regularly: By filing your Income Tax Returns regularly, you can ensure that your outstanding tax liability is reduced or eliminated.

    Claim Refunds: If you have a valid reason for a lower TDS/TCS rate, you can claim refunds by filing the necessary forms.

    Understanding the implications of Compliance Check 206AB

    Certainly, let’s dive deeper into understanding the implications of Compliance Check 206AB, which is a significant addition to the Indian Income Tax Act introduced in the Financial Year 2021-22.

    1. Higher Deduction Rates:

    The most immediate implication of Section 206AB is the higher deduction rates for Tax Deducted at Source (TDS) and Tax Collected at Source (TCS). Taxpayers meeting the specified criteria can be subjected to deductions at double the applicable rates. This results in a significant reduction in the income that taxpayers receive, affecting their cash flow.

    2. Applicability:

    It’s essential to recognize whether Section 206AB applies to you. It’s not just limited to individuals; it includes Hindu Undivided Families (HUFs), partnership firms, and companies as well. If you have an outstanding tax liability of ₹50,000 or more for the last two assessment years and haven’t filed an Income Tax Return (ITR), you could be subject to this provision. Additionally, if you’ve had TDS/TCS deductions at a rate of 5% or more, Section 206AB comes into play.

    3. Exemptions:

    There are some exemptions to consider. Non-resident taxpayers, those who are not residents of India but have a valid Permanent Account Number (PAN), are exempt from Section 206AB. Additionally, specified senior citizens above the age of 75 are also exempt.

    4. Impact on Taxpayers:

    The introduction of Section 206AB has raised concerns among taxpayers. Higher deduction rates can lead to reduced income, causing potential cash flow issues. It’s essential for taxpayers to manage their finances and tax affairs carefully to avoid unnecessary financial burdens and disputes with tax authorities.

    5. How to Avoid Higher TDS/TCS:

    To avoid the higher deduction rates, taxpayers must stay vigilant and proactive. Regularly filing ITRs is key to reducing or eliminating outstanding tax liabilities. Additionally, if you believe you’re eligible for lower TDS/TCS rates, you can claim refunds by following the necessary procedures.

    Compliance Check 206AB has significant implications for taxpayers, primarily in terms of higher deduction rates and compliance requirements. To navigate these implications successfully, taxpayers must be aware of their tax obligations, keep their financial records in order, and take advantage of available exemptions when applicable. Staying informed and compliant is crucial for a smooth and hassle-free tax experience.

    Key requirements for taxpayers under Compliance Check 206AB

    Understanding the key requirements for taxpayers under 206AB Compliance Check is crucial for ensuring compliance with this new provision in the Indian Income Tax Act. Here are the essential requirements:

    1. Outstanding Tax Liability:

    Taxpayers must pay attention to their outstanding tax liability. Section 206AB applies to individuals, Hindu Undivided Families (HUFs), partnership firms, and companies with an outstanding tax liability of ₹50,000 or more for the last two assessment years. It’s important to note that this provision targets those who haven’t filed their Income Tax Returns (ITRs).

    2. TDS/TCS Deductions:

    Another critical requirement is the rate of Tax Deducted at Source (TDS) or Tax Collected at Source (TCS) deductions. If you have experienced TDS/TCS deductions at a rate of 5% or more on income such as interest or dividends, you fall under the purview of Section 206AB. In such cases, the provision mandates that the TDS/TCS rates are doubled, resulting in a substantial reduction in your income.

    3. Regular Filing of ITR:

    To avoid higher TDS/TCS rates and to maintain compliance, it is imperative to file your Income Tax Returns (ITR) regularly and in a timely manner. Regularly filing your ITR not only helps in reducing or eliminating your outstanding tax liability but also ensures that you are not subjected to the doubled deduction rates.

    4. Claiming Refunds:

    In situations where taxpayers believe they are eligible for a lower TDS/TCS rate based on legitimate reasons, they can claim refunds. This involves following the necessary procedures and providing the relevant documentation to support your claim. Claiming refunds can help mitigate the immediate impact of higher deduction rates.

    5. Exemptions:

    It’s essential to be aware of exemptions under Section 206AB. Non-resident taxpayers who possess a valid Permanent Account Number (PAN) and specified senior citizens above the age of 75 are exempt from the provisions of Section 206AB. If you fall into these categories, you may not be subjected to the higher deduction rates.

    The key requirements for taxpayers under Compliance Check 206AB revolve around managing your outstanding tax liabilities, regular filing of Income Tax Returns (ITRs), and being aware of the TDS/TCS rates applied to your income. By understanding and meeting these requirements, taxpayers can navigate this provision successfully and avoid higher deduction rates, ensuring a smoother tax compliance experience.

    Compliance check 206AB

    The process of addressing non-compliance under Compliance Check 206AB

    Addressing non-compliance under Compliance Check 206AB is essential to avoid higher deduction rates and potential disputes with tax authorities. Here’s the process to address non-compliance:

    1. Review Your Tax Liability:

    The first step is to thoroughly review your tax liability. Ensure you meet the criteria for Section 206AB, specifically having an outstanding tax liability of ₹50,000 or more for the last two assessment years and not filing your Income Tax Returns (ITRs). It’s crucial to be aware of your financial standing and tax obligations.

    2. File Pending ITRs:

    If you haven’t filed your ITRs for the relevant assessment years, it’s imperative to do so promptly. Filing your ITR not only brings you into compliance with tax regulations but also helps reduce or eliminate your outstanding tax liability. This step is fundamental in addressing non-compliance.

    3. Claiming Refunds:

    In cases where you believe you are eligible for a lower TDS/TCS rate due to valid reasons, you can claim refunds. This involves submitting the necessary forms and supporting documentation to the tax authorities. Claiming refunds can help mitigate the impact of higher deduction rates and rectify non-compliance.

    4. Keep Documentation:

    Maintain thorough records and documentation related to your income, deductions, and tax payments. Having well-organized financial records is crucial in addressing non-compliance, as it helps in demonstrating your financial position and compliance with tax regulations.

    5. Seek Professional Advice:

    If you are uncertain about your compliance status or how Section 206AB affects you, it’s advisable to seek professional advice. Consulting with a tax expert or chartered accountant can provide valuable insights into your tax situation and help you make informed decisions.

    6. Communicate with Tax Authorities:

    In some cases, it may be necessary to communicate with the tax authorities directly. If you have concerns about your tax deductions or believe you have been subjected to higher rates in error, reaching out to the relevant tax department can help resolve any discrepancies.

    7. Maintain Ongoing Compliance:

    Addressing non-compliance is not a one-time task. It’s essential to maintain ongoing compliance with tax regulations. This includes timely filing of ITRs, regular review of your financial status, and ensuring that you meet the criteria for exemptions, if applicable.

    8. Stay Informed:

    Tax laws and provisions can change, and staying informed is key to addressing non-compliance. Regularly check for updates in tax regulations and adjust your financial practices accordingly to remain in compliance.

    Addressing non-compliance under Compliance Check 206AB involves a proactive approach, including reviewing your tax status, filing pending ITRs, claiming refunds, maintaining documentation, seeking professional guidance, and staying in communication with tax authorities. By following these steps, you can rectify non-compliance and ensure a smoother tax compliance experience.

    Tips for ensuring compliance and minimizing risk under Compliance Check 206AB

    To ensure compliance and minimize the risk under Compliance Check 206AB, here are some essential tips for taxpayers:

    1. Regularly File Income Tax Returns (ITRs):

    Ensure you file your ITRs on time. Regular and timely filing of ITRs is one of the most effective ways to demonstrate compliance with tax regulations and reduce the risk of higher deduction rates.

    2. Clear Outstanding Tax Liabilities:

    If you have outstanding tax liabilities from previous assessment years, take steps to clear them. Paying off your tax dues is crucial to avoid falling under the purview of Section 206AB.

    3. Keep Accurate Financial Records:

    Maintain well-organized and accurate financial records. This includes documenting all sources of income, deductions, investments, and tax payments. Having comprehensive records can help you in case of any discrepancies or audits.

    4. Monitor TDS and TCS Deductions:

    Keep track of your Tax Deducted at Source (TDS) and Tax Collected at Source (TCS) deductions. If you notice that TDS/TCS rates are higher than expected, investigate the reasons and rectify any errors promptly.

    5. Claim Exemptions When Eligible:

    Be aware of the exemptions under Section 206AB. If you are a non-resident taxpayer with a valid PAN or a specified senior citizen above the age of 75, ensure that you claim these exemptions to avoid higher deduction rates.

    6. Seek Professional Guidance:

    Consider consulting a tax expert or a chartered accountant. They can provide guidance on tax compliance, help you understand your specific tax situation, and offer advice on minimizing tax liabilities.

    7. Review Tax Laws and Updates:

    Keep up to date with alterations in tax statutes and guidelines.. Tax laws can evolve, and it’s crucial to be aware of any amendments that may affect your tax liability or deductions.

    8. Double-Check Information in ITRs:

    Before submitting your ITR, double-check all the information provided. Ensure that the details of your income, investments, deductions, and any exemptions are accurate. Mistakes in your ITR can lead to compliance issues.

    9. Communicate with Tax Authorities:

    If you have concerns or questions about your tax deductions or compliance, don’t hesitate to reach out to the relevant tax authorities for clarification. Effective dialogue can proactively avert misconceptions and conflicts.

    10. Plan Your Finances Strategically:

    Strategically plan your finances to minimize tax liability. This may include making investments that offer tax benefits, such as deductions under Section 80C, 80D, or other applicable sections of the Income Tax Act.

    By following these tips, you can navigate Compliance Check 206AB with greater ease, ensuring compliance and minimizing the risk of higher TDS/TCS rates. Staying proactive and well-informed is key to a smoother tax compliance experience.

    The benefits of proactive compliance under Compliance Check 206AB

    Proactive compliance under Compliance Check 206AB offers several benefits for taxpayers. By taking a proactive approach to meet the requirements of this provision, individuals and entities can not only avoid higher TDS/TCS rates but also enjoy a range of advantages. Here are the benefits of proactive compliance under Compliance Check 206AB:

    1. Lower Tax Deductions:

    One of the primary benefits of proactive compliance is the ability to maintain lower TDS/TCS rates. By regularly filing Income Tax Returns (ITRs), clearing outstanding tax liabilities, and claiming applicable exemptions, taxpayers can ensure that they are not subjected to the doubled deduction rates mandated by Section 206AB.

    2. Cash Flow Management:

    Proactive compliance helps in better cash flow management. When you are not subject to higher TDS/TCS rates, you receive your income in a more favorable manner, allowing for smoother financial operations and investments.

    3. Reduced Tax Liability:

    Proactive compliance often results in a reduced overall tax liability. By addressing outstanding tax dues and strategically planning your finances, you can minimize the amount of tax you owe, which can lead to significant savings.

    4. Legal and Financial Security:

    Compliance ensures that you are on the right side of the law. This minimizes the risk of disputes with tax authorities, legal complications, or penalties associated with non-compliance. It also provides financial security, as you have a clear understanding of your tax obligations.

    5. Exemption Benefits:

    Proactive compliance allows you to claim exemptions effectively. If you fall into categories such as non-resident taxpayers with a valid PAN or specified senior citizens above the age of 75, you can benefit from these exemptions, further reducing your tax liability.

    6. Reduced Compliance Stress:

    When you are proactive in your compliance efforts, you reduce the stress and anxiety associated with last-minute tax filings, outstanding tax dues, and the risk of higher deductions. This leads to a more relaxed and confident approach to taxation.

    7. Enhanced Financial Planning:

    Proactive compliance encourages better financial planning. You can strategically plan your investments, deductions, and financial decisions to maximize your tax benefits and minimize your liabilities.

    8. Improved Creditworthiness:

    Maintaining proactive compliance can positively impact your creditworthiness. It demonstrates financial responsibility and reliability, which can be beneficial when seeking loans or other financial services.

    9. Smooth Tax Filing Process:

    When you are proactive in your compliance, the process of filing your tax returns becomes more straightforward. You are less likely to encounter issues, discrepancies, or delays in your tax filing.

    10. Avoiding Unnecessary Audits:

    Proactive compliance reduces the likelihood of being flagged for tax audits. By staying in line with tax regulations, you minimize the risk of additional scrutiny from tax authorities.

    Proactive compliance under Compliance Check 206AB offers numerous advantages, including lower tax deductions, improved cash flow, reduced tax liability, legal and financial security, exemption benefits, reduced compliance stress, enhanced financial planning, better creditworthiness, a smoother tax filing process, and the avoidance of unnecessary audits. By taking a proactive approach to tax compliance, individuals and entities can enjoy a more favorable and stress-free financial experience.

    The importance of staying informed and compliant with Compliance Check 206AB

    Staying informed and compliant with Compliance Check 206AB is of paramount importance for individuals and entities subject to this provision in the Indian Income Tax Act. Here are several compelling reasons why staying informed and compliant is crucial:

    1. Legal Obligation:

    Compliance with tax regulations, including Section 206AB, is not just a good practice; it is a legal obligation. Failure to comply can result in penalties, legal disputes, and financial liabilities. Staying informed and adhering to tax laws ensures that you are on the right side of the law.

    2. Avoiding Higher Deductions:

    Compliance helps you avoid higher Tax Deducted at Source (TDS) and Tax Collected at Source (TCS) rates. Being non-compliant under Section 206AB may result in double the usual deduction rates, leading to a significant reduction in your income. Staying informed and compliant prevents this financial loss.

    3. Minimizing Tax Liability:

    Compliance allows you to minimize your overall tax liability. By proactively addressing outstanding tax dues, claiming exemptions, and strategically planning your finances, you can reduce the amount of tax you owe, leading to financial savings.

    4. Financial Security:

    Compliance provides financial security. It ensures that you have a clear understanding of your tax obligations, reducing the risk of disputes with tax authorities, legal complications, or financial uncertainties. Financial security is crucial for a stable financial future.

    5. Timely Filing of Returns:

    Staying informed ensures that you file your Income Tax Returns (ITRs) on time. Timely filing not only demonstrates compliance but also prevents late filing penalties and the stress associated with last-minute submissions.

    6. Exemption Benefits:

    By staying informed, you can effectively claim exemptions for which you are eligible. This can further reduce your tax liability and allow you to enjoy tax benefits that you might otherwise miss out on.

    7. Improved Financial Planning:

    Compliance encourages better financial planning. When you understand your tax obligations and benefits, you can make informed financial decisions, optimize your investments, and ensure that your finances are well-organized.

    8. Legal and Financial Reputation:

    Compliance enhances your legal and financial reputation. It demonstrates financial responsibility and reliability, which can be valuable when seeking loans, investments, or other financial services.

    9. Reduced Stress and Uncertainty:

    Compliance reduces stress and uncertainty associated with tax-related matters. Proactive compliance ensures that you have a clear plan for meeting your tax obligations, avoiding the rush and uncertainty that often accompanies last-minute tax filings.

    10. Avoiding Audits and Scrutiny:

    Staying informed and compliant reduces the likelihood of being subjected to tax audits and scrutiny by tax authorities. By following the rules, you minimize the risk of additional investigations and inquiries.

    Compliance check 206AB

    In summary, staying informed and compliant with Compliance Check 206AB is essential to meet legal obligations, avoid higher deductions, minimize tax liability, maintain financial security, file returns on time, benefit from exemptions, improve financial planning, enhance your reputation, reduce stress and uncertainty, and avoid audits and scrutiny. Compliance not only ensures that you meet your tax obligations but also leads to a more stable and financially secure future.


    Section 206AB has ushered in a new era of tax compliance in India. It is essential for taxpayers to understand its implications and take the necessary steps to ensure that they are not subjected to higher TDS/TCS rates. By keeping your tax affairs in order, filing your ITR regularly, and taking advantage of available exemptions, you can navigate the provisions of Section 206AB successfully and avoid any unnecessary financial burdens. Remember, staying informed and compliant is the key to a hassle-free tax experience.

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